
Final Task: Creative Critical Reflection

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?   Script: The first question here is “how does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it re present social groups or issues?”    In response to the first part of the question I would say:      This product uti lizes common conventions in horror movies. Example s of this include the camera angles, shots, movements, editing, and sound. The movie was mainly based around wide shots, POV shots, over the shoulder shots like the one that you see here in the right corner , and extreme close-ups. The editing incorporated many fade ins to a dd suspens e and create an uneasy atmosphere , directed to wards the audience. This is to ensure that watchers are engaged, and almost feel as if they are in the movie. The daunting music also added to the desired sensation. The main character was vividly distraught throughout the entire movie. With this,...