Production Blog: All About Me Commercial

   What's up blog? How are you guys doing? Well you will feel much better after I share some exciting news! I have finished my commercial! So, what have I done from the last production blog you may ask? Well, I first cut down on time by shortening my introductory video. I also added music and transitions. I am not going to lie, I struggled a lot on the musical aspect. So, I ended up asking a friend who has worked with iMovie before to help me, and lets just say I was very fortunate. Apple music did not offer the sounds I wanted, so we screen recorded from YouTube and uploaded the video as audio only. We where then able to adjust the time lengths to fit the photos I had chosen for each song. With some tweaking here and there, I feel I achieved a smooth transition between the two songs. Then there was transitions between the photos and videos. This was relatively easy after I had transferred over what I made on Story Board to the basic template. By doing this I was able top keep all aspects of story board, it just lightened my load of work I had to do with the transitions. So, this commercial is complete! I feel like I have re-watched it a million times. But, I will continue to do so, to find little mistakes that I can edit out or fix. So, until my next post it will just be tons of peer reviewing to get the best commercial possible. See you guys then!


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