Planning Blog: Storyboard

1) Rowyn opens her eyes and screen turns black to title.

2) Rowyn wakes up panicking.

3) The phone buzzes, Rowyn tries to reach, but her hand goes through the phone. 

4) Rowyn in denial, confused.

5) Rowyn brushing her hair, her phone buzzes. 

6) Rowyn calling her mom. 

7) Rowyn goes to find the Advil bottle, after looking through the cabinets, she does. 

8) Rowyn looks at the Advil she just threw out, and the label says WAKE UP.

9) Rowyn walks into her mom watching the news, the first time she hears about the serial killer. 

10) Rowyn starts to leave her house to go on her run, she says bye to her mom. 

11) Rowyn is on the run and sees a mysterious figure. 

12) The camera cuts to behind the killer, Rowyn is running home. 

13) Rowyn checks mailbox, nothing in there. Mom gives letter to Rowyn. 

14) Rowyn opens letter, the words written in blood "WAKE UP". 

15) Rowyn receives a call from her friend. Rowyn realizing the killer is near. 

16) Rowyn scared, paranoid.

17) Chloe trying to convince Rowyn to call the cops. 

18) Chloe and Rowyn end up in an argument. 

19) Rowyn checks her phone and thinks about calling the cops. 

20) Cops knock on front door. 

21) Rowyn speaks to the cops. 

22) Rowyn scrolls through sites on "how to discover a serial killer."

23) Rowyn tells her mom about the serial killer. 

24) Unknown number texts Rowyn. 

25) Rowyn looks out her window and hears a loud bang. 

26) Rowyn turns back and sees a bloody handprint and a mysterious figure.

27) Rowyn finds a piece of paper with "WAKE UP" written in blood and when she turns the killer appears behind her.

28) Wakes up and realizes she was in a dream. 

29) Rowyn turns off alarm. 

30) Rowyn's mom comes into her room to tell her breakfast is ready. 


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