Production Blog: Putting it Together

    Hey blog, welp it's Monday again. So, after this exciting weekend I figured it was time to face reality and update you guys on this commercial. I am not going to lie, it was very difficult to find the motivation to start the process of putting the commercial together. But, I pushed through and am praying that it was just a one time thing, lol. As I have said previously, I am using iMovie. I have uploaded my photos and videos onto the template. With this, I have also adjusted times and context to fit these parts.  Although it seems to be going smoothly, I am struggling with the transition aspect. I am completely new to iMovie, so for one I am not sure where to find these transitions, and which photo to put transitions after. But, I am going to continue playing around with it and hopefully I will catch on. It is exactly 1 minute long and I don't plan to change that. But, something has changed and that is how many photos and videos I have chosen along with the format. Initially it was going to be 8 photos and 5 videos. However, I have cut this down to 7 photos and 4 videos. The organization is also different, but I feel that it keeps the audience more engaged. So instead of putting a photo of my younger self, then the videos, then the photos, I have mixed it up. In turn, all that I have to do next, is upload the media (songs) and fix these transitions. In the meantime, I am going to continue to use iMovie and input what I learn into both this commercial and future assignments. In the next production blog, I plan to have all of this figured out and will tell you guys the steps I have taken to get to that point. Until then, Kylie!


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