Research and Planning Blog

   Hey blog, I'm back again with a commercial in progress. Planning this project has been nostalgic, looking back on pictures and videos from a few years ago brings back core memories. Going from tee-ball, having picnic parties with my stuffed animals, and going out on the boat with my dad to travel softball, parties with friends and surfing at the beach. So, to me it seems that a lot has changed, but it really hasn't. I've just been growing up. But, back to planning this commercial. I have chosen 8 photos that I feel best represent myself. Two of these photos happen to be my younger self, one playing tee-ball and one on the boat. I will then transition the tee-ball one to a few photos of me playing softball. These will consist of me at different colleges and game footage. Then, the photo on the boat will go to a photo taken of me in downtown Nashville. Coincidentally, I happened to be there for a tournament. Can you see how my life practically revolves around the sport? I then plan to upload videos of me surfing, or at the least, trying to. In Florida, especially on the east coast, we don't get a lot of waves. So, even if its small, I'm out there trying to catch it. Can you guess what the other videos are? You're right! Me playing softball. Now obviously there is going to background music, and I have chosen "All of the Lights" by Kanye West and "Cruel Summer" by Taylor Swift. All of the lights will be in the background when I am showing the softball side of my life. I plan to play Cruel Summer during the photos of me at the beach, in Nashville, and the videos of me surfing. This is because all these things represent what I do every summer. Travel, head out at the crack of dawn to "rip" some waves, and just simply spend my time at my favorite place on earth, the beach. 


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