Production Blog: Managing
Hey blog, it's me again! With some exciting news, I have started my Music Video! First things first, I have planned out what I am buying to make this video run as smooth as possible. This includes a tripod for filming instances and any other last minute items. I am in charge of distributing work between group members, as I have done so far. In the mall where I will be acting, there is a store called Dillards. This is where the majority of the film will be acted out. However, it is not planned that we will film all in one day. Hour time frames have been allotted, so the group does not feel that the work is overbearing. I hope to accomplish, at the least, the beginning shots of the video. As I feel that once you get started, it is much easier to continue. Rather than procrastinating and trying to get all of the film in one take. I have planned 2-3 days to film and 2-3 days to edit, while the rest of the time will be taken to peer review and make any revisions we feel fit. I am assuming each take is going to take a while to get a hang of, between bloopers and environmental conditions we can't control. Which is why a lot of time will be going towards the mall scenes. This is planned to be completed by the end of this week, or early next week. The next part of the video will be filmed at Holiday park, because this part is very short, I plan to have in completed in one day . After this I will be in control of due dates and overall completion of the music video. This is what I have done so far as an aid in the production of our music video. It is coming along slowly, and I hope you guys enjoy it! Until next time, Kylie.
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