Genre Research Blog: Horror

 Genre: Horror 

  • Common Camera Angles, Shots, & Movement : Common camera angles are Dutch, low, and high angles. Common shots are POV, wide shots, and extremes close ups. Common movement tracking shots and tilts. 
  • Common Mis-En-Scene : Common make up is using fake blood for bloody or gorey scenes. It also just depends on the character and what facial structure they want to emphasize. Common props are weapons such as knifes, guns, or even a chainsaw. Common costumes is dark clothing and messy/frizzy hair. Common acting is usually acting scared during some scenes. Common lighting is dim lighting uses to create tension. Some even use casting shadows. Common setting is a dark, deserted area. 
  • Common editing is a fade into black to build tension, the way they place their shots, and jump cuts. 
  • Common sounds during horror films is heavy breathing, footsteps, or the slashing or stabbing of flesh. Another big one is screams or whispers. 
  • Examples: It (2017) and Talk To Me (2022) 
  • Elements we liked - I like the Mis-En-Scene that are used in the horror genre specially the props because using blood adds to the story and make it scarier for the viewer. Another element we like are the sounds effects such as he whispers. Depending on the story line, it adds an eerie feeling to it making it more interesting to watch. 
  • Elements we didn't like - We don't like the dim lighting because it basic and doesn't add to the story. It's more the editing that connected with the lighting that helps bring the story to life. 


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