Editing Blog: Sound Effects

 Hey blog, I am currently on day two of editing. As of now, things seem to be running pretty smoothly. The trimming, transitions and imports are complete. Now it is time to upload the sound effects. My job is to go through the film and see where these should be placed. I plan to choose parts that build suspense, jump scare, or provide a sense of comic relief. Under the iMovie app I will highlight these parts and send it to my partners in which they will then be able to upload the actual sound. This will be a process, but once again our editing will make the video ten times better. My task will take the longest because I will have to watch and re-watch the film over and over again. With this I am able to kill two birds with one stone. I have acknowledged that my trimming and transitions aren't perfect. But as I am continuously watching the video, I will fix them to the best of my ability. Time wise, this should take me about an hour. Which also followed my initial goal. I am satisfied with the way things are turning out, and adding sound effects will only help it. Editing combined, the audience will remained engaged. Without transitions, or sound it would be hard to follow. Which is why we plan to do these things so strategically. When I come back, I plan to have my parts complete. Although there is still a lot left to do, progress is being made. Talk to you guys later!


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