Editing Blog: Title and Transitions

 Hey blog, I am back again! Now that I have finished filming the Final task, the difficult part has come, editing! As I have mentioned in many previous blogs, our group decided to dedicate most of this time to editing the film. This is because it is not a strong suit of mine, but luckily with my group members it differs. They are able to help me in certain aspects, and I am able to help them in others. The first task I need to accomplish is trimming the videos. I have chose to edit this on the iPhone camera application. This is what I am most familiar with, so I picked what I know best. Once this is finished, I will upload all of the parts into iMovie. This way I am also able to add transitions on top of the ones I had already done. Together that should take a total of 30 minutes. I have made a plan to do one hour worth of editing a day. Combined, I should finish rather quickly. After looking over these two steps, the last thing I am going to do is import the title and credits. The title is already made, so the big challenge here is the credits. I will be doing this with all of my group members. As it is a team effort, I should catch the hang of it pretty quickly.  For right now, I plan to put a black screen over a five second period in which all of the names will appear. I hope to have this done soon. I will update you guys tomorrow. Talk to you soon!


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