Filming Blog: Scene 4 and 5

   Hey blog, I'm back again. As you guys know, yesterday I filmed scenes one, two, and three for the Final Task. Well, I am happy to inform you that we continued today, and completed scenes four and five. There was limited time, as our groups schedule did not necessarily align, but I felt it was necessary to do as much as we could, and my team agreed. This is so a lot of the time can be dedicated to editing the film. I believe that today ran over much smoother than yesterday did. This is simply because, adjustments were made, making tasks easier, such as re-positioning the camera or actor. In the end, I do think that I have gotten used to my partners work ethics and how to maximize success with them. Filming wise, I did play a much bigger role in front of the camera today. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I play the role of the mother. Which had many lines, luckily I was able to memorize them. I did struggle with one of the lines, so there were a few takes from that, but I eventually got it down and it was no problem. I was also a help to the camera man, as he seemed to struggle at first too. Collectively, our group has decided to film horizontally, which is more difficult for the person behind the camera than it may seem. However, I did catch on to some tricks, that make it more normal, and shared that with my team. Overall, I am excited to film the next few scenes. Slowly, but surely, I can see the video coming together and hopefully with some editing transitions will be smooth. During the course of the next few days, I hope to get the rest of the film done. I will make sure to update you guys! Talk to you soon!


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