Production Blog: Peer Review

   Hey blog, I am back with an update! As I mentioned in the previous blog, both the filming and editing portions of my Final Task are finished. What was left was much needed, and this was peer reviewing. I had one of my classmates, Emerson watch over our film and give critiques. Although she was intrigued with the content of the video, the first thing she said was that the transitions were choppy. I had knew this before, it was just very difficult to think I was going to do it seamlessly. However, she did give me a few tricks, or ones that ended up helping her group. The next thing she pointed out was that the music volume was a little low. It is on the lower side of sounds in general, as it gets louder as it continues. But, this will be an easy fix. She also mentioned that some qualities of shots were different than others, not in a good or bad way. Just in one that was asking if we did it intentionally. I told her we did not, and she said it doesn't ruin the overall quality of the video, but it does deceive the audience. She pointed out the positives as well. These included, the plot of the story being very interesting, the insertion of both the title and sound effects were well done, and the actors played the role perfectly. On a nit-picky note, she did point out that our props were a tad different than what they were supposed to be in the video. For example, instead of an Advil bottle it was a pill bottle. Little things like that were pointed out, and luckily an easy fix. I am super thankful for her advice, and all of it will be used to improve the video. Fortunately, these are not huge changes, so they will get done in no time. I will update you guys with all of the changes we make! Until then, Kylie. 


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