Production Blog: Finale!

   Hey blog, I am back with amazing news! The music video is completed! I have been working on this for a few weeks now, and the last peer review was done today. Since the last blog, one thing has been added and that is the title "I can see you" fading into the first few shots. Other than that, I have just been looking over the transitions and the cuts to make sure everything flows nicely. I was responsible for making sure everything saved onto iMovie and nothing was discarded or rearranged for the submission. The video has been shown to a few classmates, but I mainly revised my teammates work. In which they had a lot to do with importing the transitions. So, I watched the video what feels like a hundred times. I'm satisfied with how the video came out, and have shown many of my friends not in the class. One thing for sure is that the music video was entertaining, or at least that was the feedback I had heard. Collaboratively, the editing took a little less than a week. Between transitions, cutting the videos, peer reviewing and adjusting the timing of the song, the time frame was well fit. It is one minute and 15 seconds long, which is perfect. Another thing I mentioned previously was that we aligned much of the context in the video with the song lyrics. Once again, something I was responsible for. In all, I couldn't be happier with how this came out. I can't wait to show you guys, and I'm hoping you love it. For now, my work is done here. Until the upload, Kylie. 


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