
After creating my commercial, I figure that much reflection is needed. I learned how to upload on both iMovie and YouTube. iMovie was easy at first, that was until I got to the music and transition aspect. The first issue I ran into was with transitions. I learned that in story board, it has set transitions you cannot change. These transitions did not fit in how I liked, but at first I ignored it. This was until yet another problem arised, music. I planned to upload the music as a background audio, because iMovie did not offer my song choice. But, I couldn't. So, I ended up asking a friend and she showed me how to download it onto the typical setting. To then upload it onto blogger, I had to post my commercial on YouTube. I had zero clue how to do that, per usual, but I figured it out with much needed help. The process of putting this project together was very time consuming. In order to complete each assignment, I must set out specific dates to do it. I also realized that ...